October 22, 2024

Work motivation and task performance.

Relationship between work motivation and job performance

For managers it is essential to know how they can motivate their employees and if this has an influence on the job performance. There is a positive connection between work motivation and job performance, managers can use information regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to improve the job performance. As we know, if the job performance increases the profit and turnover will increase inherently.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within, while extrinsic motivation arises from outside. When you’re intrinsically motivated, you engage in an activity solely because you enjoy it and get personal satisfaction from it.

When you’re extrinsically motivated, you do something in order to gain an external reward. This can mean getting something in return, such as money, or avoiding getting into trouble, such as losing your job.

Work motivation and job performance

Researchers have found a positive connection between intrinsic motivation and job performance. According to Humphrey (2007) intrinsic motivation is positively related to work performance, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Job autonomy is also inherent to intrinsic motivation (Morgeson, Delaney-klinger, & Hemingway, 2005). When employees are intrinsically motivated their satisfaction and enjoy is higher than an employee who is extrinsically motivated. Because of the intrinsic motivation of the employee, the autonomy will increase as well (Parker, 1998). This is for manager’s important data because, the higher autonomy of employees the more individuality the employee has. The manager can give more support to other employees by who the autonomy is lower.

Another relationship between motivation and performance has been found. Researchers found a positive connection between intrinsic work motivation and task performance (Morgeson et al. 2005). If employees have a certain pleasure and satisfaction when they are at work, this will have a positive effect on the work activities. According to Grouzet, Vallerand, Thill & Provencher (2004) individuals who are intrinsically motivated perform better in their tasks because they find their tasks enjoyable and interesting. They also find that participation in those specific tasks is like a reward (Deci et al. 1989). This is in line with the study of Morgeson (2005). Morgeson (2005) also found that the progress of the work activities is inherent to the job performance (Morgeson et al. 2005). Therefore the better the employees’ work activities the better the job performance.

Finally, Gagné and Deci (2005) found that employees who have a high intrinsic motivation are more involved in their jobs and they have a greater goal attainment than employees who have a lower intrinsic motivation. According to Humphrey (2007) employees who are intrinsically motivation not only have a greater goal to attainment but, they also have a greater responsibility and volition to perform better and to be successful in the organization. The connections above are interesting because a large amount of researchers agree in the concept that intrinsic motivation influences the job performance positively.

Not only employees who are intrinsically motivated have an influence on the job performance. Researchers have also found that employees who are extrinsically motivated have a positive effect on the job performance.

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